Office of Admissions 

Student Transfer Information

EPISD Student Transfer Application Procedures

The parent/guardian should submit a Student Transfer Application online.  All students are expected to attend their assigned campus pending the determination of the Student Transfer Application.

School Frozen/Closed to Student Transfers

Each year; Eagle Pass ISD determines which Pre-K -12  schools should be frozen/closed to transfers because they have, or are expected to have, enrollments that exceed their capacities. Also, some schools are frozen/closed to maintain stability in feeder school patterns.  See the lists below.

Campuses Frozen/Closed to Student Transfers


Low Enrollment Schools

Benavides Elementary

Gallego Elementary

Seco Mines Elementary

Seguin Elementary


High Enrollment Schools

Cerna Elementary

Glass Elementary

Graves Elementary

Liberty Elementary

Kennedy Elementary

Mancha Elementary

Jr High & High School

Eagle Pass Junior High 

Eagle Pass High School

Criteria for the Approval of Student Transfer Applications 

The Executive Director for Instruction or designee will review and consider requests based on the available space at the campus requested, the reason(s) for the transfer, attendance, and discipline history. If the transfer is approved, the parent or guardian will be responsible for the student’s transportation to and from school. 

Parent and Student Responsibilities

Parents and students are to assume responsibilities for satisfactory attendance, discipline, academic achievement of the student, and cooperation of the parent with the school staff while at the transfer school. When these responsibilities are not met, the transfer will be revoked.


All decisions are final and may not be appealed.


The parent/guardian who resides in Eagle Pass and requests that his/her child attend a school outside his/her attendance zone will be required to submit a Student Transfer Application.

The campus may initiate a Student Transfer Revocation Request for any student if the student or parents do not comply with the terms and conditions outlined in the Student Transfer Application.

How to submit a Student Transfer Revocation Request?

Follow the path below to submit a Student Transfer Revocation Request 

Eduphoria>Formspace>Submit New Form>Admissions, Attendance, Transfers & Withdrawls>Student Transfer Revocation Request