Perfect Attendance Awards

Perfect Attendance Recognition Awards

Nine-Weeks Perfect Attendance

Each elementary school which chooses to reward students for perfect attendance shall comply with the following guidelines:

Perfect attendance may be awarded to students at the end of each 9-week grading period that have not exceeded one tardy or one partial day absence during the 9-week period that is not categorized as a documented appointment with a health care professional.

Perfect attendance may be awarded to students at the end of the year that have not been absent. In order to receive perfect attendance awards at the end of the year, students may have no more than 4 tardies or 4 partial day absences during the year that are not categorized as a documented appointment with a health care professional.

Scholarship Awards *

*The Eagle Pass ISD 12-Year Prizes and Awards are subject to the availability of funds.


Candidates for the EPISD 12-Year Perfect Attendance Award must have been enrolled at Eagle Pass ISD for all 12 years (1st - 12th grade).

Candidates for the EPISD 12-Year Perfect Attendance Award must have attended all instructional days in each school calendar year from 1st to 12th grade. 

Requirements for the EPISD 12-Year Perfect Attendance Award candidates will be checked and verified by the Office of Instructional Services.

Candidates for the EPISD 12-Year Perfect Attendance Award will be notified of in early May by the Business and Finance Department.