Homeschool Information
Eagle Pass ISD Homeschool Procedures
A student in a home school shall be exempt from compulsory attendance law Section 25.086(a)(1) of the Texas Education Code if he or she is pursuing in good faith a curriculum consisting of books, workbooks, other written materials (including those that appear on an electronic screen of either a computer or video tape monitor), or any combination of these. The curriculum shall be designed to meet basic education goals of reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics, and a study of good citizenship.
As per EPISD Board Policy (FEA Local) If the parents refuse to submit a letter of notification or if the District has evidence that the school-age child is not being homeschooled within legal requirements, the District may investigate further and, if warranted, shall pursue legal action to enforce the compulsory attendance law.
Please note that the State of Texas does not award a diploma to students that are home schooled. In the event a home-schooled student wishes to enter a public school, Eagle Pass ISD has policies and procedures in place to assess the mastery level of courses that students in home school settings have completed. The results of the assessment may be used for grade placement and/or awarding of credit.
Parents may access information regarding home schooling from many different sources. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) does not recommend, approve, support, or endorse any person, educational program, group, or organization.
Students who are not enrolled in Eagle Pass ISD are not eligible for concurrent and/or dual credit enrollment in District schools nor may they participate in curricular or extracurricular activities.
Home School Resources